Five-year disability access parking placards and license plates are up for renewal in 2012.
Probate Judge Ben Bowden said those affected will have to re-certify in order to continue using the placard or tag. Last year, the office issued 3,000 handicapped license plates.
“We have a new form issued by the Department of Revenue that one must fill out in order to be recertified,” he said. “The form must be filled out and returned to the probate office. The new form allows one to self-certify that you are still eligible for a handicap placard or tag.
“You will not need a physician’s statement is you’re simply recertifying,” he said.
Bowden said current holders should have received an instruction letter and re-certification form in the mail.
Vehicle ownership is not required to obtain a disability access placard, but proof of ownership is required to obtain a disability access license plate. A person may obtain a maximum of two windshield placards; however, if only one placard may be issued if the applicant receives a license plate.
Those seeking a placard or tag for the first time must fill out a disability access parking privilege form.
The five-year removable windshield placard is free and expires the last day of a person’s registration renewal month in 2017. A disability access license plate is $23 annually – the same cost as a standard license plate – plus a county issuance fee. The license plate must be renewed annually and will be replaced with a new license plate in 2017.
Additionally, there are no limits placed upon the number of disability access license plates that may be issued to an individual with disabilities, provided vehicle ownership qualifications are met. To obtain the license plate, the person with disabilities must have an ownership interest in the vehicle.
For more information, call the probate office at 334-428-2510.