Andalusia Star News


When you add up the qualities of Andalusia Middle School math teacher, Amy Bryan, it’s no surprise that she is the Andalusia Chamber of Commerce’s middle school teacher of the year.

She earned a bachelor’s degree from Troy University and has been a teacher for the last five years – four as math teacher to AMS seventh graders.


“I feel students learn best when they are able to derive a formula or mathematical rule by working through an investigation rather than just memorizing the steps,” Bryan said. “This is successful when students work together. That leads to better collective thinkers.”
Bryan is no stranger to working as a group.

At AMS, Bryan volunteers as the Mathcounts program coordinator and the school’s math team leader and is a co-sponsor for the AMS cheerleading squad and the school’s Peer Helpers, a student mentor group. She is active in the Andalusia Junior Woman’s Club, Relay for

Life, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) and a host Southside Baptist Church programs.

In a recommendation letter by District Attorney Walt Merrell, he said Bryan “possesses a burning desire to leave this world a much better place than she found it. As a consequence of that quest, she also leaves others’ lives in much better shape after she has been a part of them.

“In every field, including that of teaching, it is a sad truth that there are people who are only present to receive their... READ MORE>