Andalusia Star News

The City of Andalusia has a memorandum of understanding with what Mayor Earl Johnson calls “hot prospect” for the bottom floor of the First National Bank building.

Speaking to the Kiwanis Club on Monday, the mayor said that the prospect, a restaurant, “is not the kind of restaurant Big Mike’s is. But it will be successful and add to our Square. We hope to see something announced real soon.”

Two weeks ago, Johnson announced that the city had acquired the First National Bank building, also known as the Timmerman building, for $260,000. The Estep Foundation contributed 100,000 toward the purchase. The building was in abatement for safety issues, which the city expects to be able to correct for approximately $50,000 to $60,000. The issues include loose mortar and missing windows, among others. A safety fence has been in place for almost a year. READ MORE>

Andalusia Star News