Area law enforcement officers and their supporters gathered Wednesday morning for a solemn remembrance of fellow fallen officers held as part of Law Enforcement Memorial week.
Nine officers have fallen in the line of duty in Covington County.
“An officer can never predict or expect not to come home, not to iron their uniform one more time, not to kiss their wives or child again, or even say goodbye one last time,” Andalusia Police Chief Paul Hudson said. “What they did do, as expected of each of us, they answered the call to keep our community safe. They protected and served and made the ultimate sacrifice. What they are doing now is celebrating with their heavenly father.
“Continue to answer that call,” Hudson said. “Know that every moment with your family, every kiss or every hug could be your last and you should appreciate it. Honor the lives of the fallen by giving as much of yourself to your loved ones as you do to your community. Honor your brothers and sisters in law enforcement by continuing the job they began.”
Opp Police Chief Mike McDonald shared some chilling statistics.
“I knew five of the nine names on that monument,” McDonald said. “They were all good folks and they were all good cops and then something went wrong for them and they are no longer with us. When that moment comes, if it comes, it will come when you are least expecting it, it will come rapidly and if you’re not ready for it, then you will die.”
McDonald said that in 2017, there were 135 officers that died, 58 of those being criminal homicides. He said in 2018, there have been 58 officers that have died, with three of those being criminal homicides.Read More>