Andalusia Star News



If you’re out and about this weekend and suddenly think you are seeing double, it may just be that you have come across Guy and Pam Wyche, or some of their tandem bike-riding friends.

The Wyches, who live in Andalusia and are avid cyclists, said they are excited that this year’s Alabama Tandem Weekend will be hosted by their hometown.

“It’s going to be good to show off our city,” Pam Wyche said. “If the weather cooperates, we’ll have about 16 tandem bicycles and one triple meeting at the Holiday Inn Friday morning.”

Wyche said the three-day event will kick off around 8 each morning, with the group of cyclists choosing from three routes to ride, each with a long and short version.

“The routes vary,” she said. “There are seven routes in the county, ranging from 27 miles to 57 miles. There is a short, medium and long route.”

Wyche said the event is free, but a block of hotel rooms has been reserved for the cyclists, who will spend the weekend in the Andalusia area.

“We have packets for them with maps and a little info about our city,” Wyche said. “And the city has really rolled out the red carpet. We’ve been invited to a wonderful reception Saturday evening at Springdale.”

Wyche said Andalusia in the spring is the perfect time and place for the weekend event, and interest in a repeat visit next year has already been discussed.

“We are really just sight seeing bicyclists,” she said. “On a tandem, you can listen and talk to each other and hear each other. It’s just so much more fun on a tandem.”

In fact, Wyche said it was she and her husband’s love of tandem riding that steered the event toward Andalusia in the first place.

“The people at Tandem Unlimited, the place where we get our bicycles in Birmingham, and the guy who did the one last year kind of talked us into,” she said. “But we all love it. My husband has always enjoyed bicycling. I enjoy getting out on a bicycle and being close to nature and the countryside. I don’t really like to worry so much about gears. We like to travel and see different things, but we don’t’ like to just sit in the car and look out the window.”

So, keep watch out your windows this weekend and you just may see some cyclists pedaling away, two by two.

Andalusia Star News