Andalusia Star News

Council must soon decide

The Andalusia City Council will soon be forced to make some big decisions about the local animal shelter, which also provide services for the county and for neighboring municipalities.

Capt. Paul Dean reported that the shelter’s roof is leaking and there are parts of the metal building where rust has created issues.

He estimated that the city could spend approximately $7,500 to seal the building and coat the roof and extend the life span of the current roof for about 10 years.

Alternately, the roof could be replaced for about $12,000, extended its life to 20 to 25 years.

Interim Chief Paul Hudson pointed out that the shelter is inspected by the state annually, and not addressing the items could mean fines in the future.

But the council asked for a little time before making the decision. The adjacent property on Hwy. 84 is being considered for an apartment complex, and council members were in agreement the shelter might need to be moved.

“Probably, we would have an idea we might want to relocate the shelter anyway,” Councilman Ralph Wells said. “If there’s options out here for a new location, surely we ought to investigate.”

“I’d hate to spend on it now, and six months from now, we may be tearing down,” Mayor Earl Johnson said. “But, I think... READ MORE>

Andalusia Star News