The Andalusia Rotary Club awarded funding to local, regional and international charities during its annual banquet Tuesday night.

Rotary Foundation Board chairman David Darby said the awards were possible because of the club’s annual fundraising effort, the World Championship Domino Tournament. The Foundation will distribute a total of $25,000 this year.

Those funds went to:

• The Rotary International Foundation, which funds projects around the world, $3,000.

• Rotary’s Polio Plus effort, which has almost eradicated polio worldwide, $1,000.

• Lower Alabama Arts Coalition, $1,000.

• Andalusia Tourism and Relocation Committee, for the New Year’s Eve domino drop, $1,000.

• St. Vincent de Paul Society, Covington County chapter, $1,000. The organization provides food, utility, or other urgent relief to those in poverty.

• South Central Alabama Mental Health – $1,000.

• Jo’s Community Dinners, which provides meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas, $500.

• St. Mary’s Rice and Beans ministry, $500.

• Babe Ruth 18 and under World Series, set for Covington County this summer, $1,500.

• Camp ASCAA, funding for local residents to have a camping experience, $1,000.

• Covington County United Fund, $1,000.

• Andalusia Community Christmas, which provides a Christmas experience to more than 500 needy children each year, $1,500.

• Habitat for Humanity, which builds affordable housing for partner families who put sweat equity into the project and make mortgage payments.

• Crossover Ministries, a residental addiction recovery program, $1,500.

• Andalusia High School, $300 for the art department; $118 for the math department; and $1,665 for equipment in the special education department.

• Andalusia Middle School, $1,000 for the library and $1,000 for the football program.

• Imagination Library, which provides one book per month to every child born in Covington County from birth to kindergarten, $1,000.

The Foundation also recently presented Honor Flight of Covington County with $1,000.

- Andalusia Star News