‘Big production’ being planned for spring at AHS
Even as officials are meeting at Andalusia High School’s stadium today to determine exactly how all entities will work around ongoing construction there to hold football games beginning next week, the board of education is looking ahead to using the auditorium in spring.
“Initially, they said November was the completion date,” Superintendent Ted Watson said. “But we know it’s not going to be November. It’s January or February now. I’m being optimistic that we’ll be able to use it in the spring.”
And he wants the first event held there to feature Andalusia students in a big way, he said.
“We’ve talked to Cathy Powell and Roger Powell,” Watson said. “We’d like them and the LAAC to work with us, along with our choral group, to have a production by the end of school.”
Meanwhile, a meeting was set this morning to finalize details for the first home game on Aug. 31.
Watson said the pressbox is not expected to be completed this season, but everything else should be done by homecoming, set for Oct. 12.
“The stadium will not be open range for children to play,” Watson said, adding that a number of areas will be off-limits.
“The stadium seats are there, ad the new grandstand is completed,” he said.
The Star-News will provide traffic routes, parking plans, and other details after Tuesday’s meeting.
In other business, the board:
Hired Randle Baker as custodian at Andalusia Elementary.
Authorized the superintendent to negotiate the purchase of lots adjacent to AHS to expand parking there. The purchase would be contingent upon the ability to get the property rezoned.