By Michele Gerlach
Andalusia Star News
The Andalusia City Council has joined the Alabama League of Municipalities in urging voters to support Amendment 1 on the Nov. 2 ballot.
The amendment corrects unintended wording in a 2006 constitutional amendment that would have shifted costs in future years for assessing and collecting ad valorem taxes.
With the correction, agencies receiving ad valorem taxes share the cost for collections.
By Michele Gerlach
Andalusia Star News
The Andalusia City Council last night rejected all bids submitted for the renovation of Church Street Elementary School as a cultural arts center and home to the Andalusia Ballet.
Instead, the city will negotiate with the apparent low bidder, Ingram Construction, LLC, of Montgomery. The company’s bid was $1,621,215.
Mayor Earl Johnson said there is a lot of work involved in the project that the city will be able to do to cut the total cost of the project.
The council has an agreement with the Andalusia Ballet in which the association agreed to contribute $500,000 toward the renovation. It will act as managing tenant of the facility and occupy the main floor.
The council also:
• declared lighting at Johnson Park surplus so that it can be sold as renovations on that park begin.
• named Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood its engineering firm for a project for a water and sewerage project in the city industrial park.
• accepted a $248,065 bid from Jim House and Associates to replace pumps at several sewerage pumping stations. The purchase is covered by a stimulus package grant designed to improve energy efficiency
This conceptual drawing shows the finished facade of the
Church Street Cultural Arts Center.
By Staff Reports
Andalusia Star News
Organizers of a project to revitalize the Dream Park need to borrow a few good tools.
Dream Park closed on Saturday to begin the necessary preparations for the renovation that will officially begin on Wednesday. On Monday, the staging and new addition were staked out.
Today, Tues., Oct. 19, the old or worn out components will come down, the sand box will be removed, and wood will be cut to prepare for the build. On Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. volunteers should arrive ready for instructions to begin replacing old components and building new ones.
A requested tool list was distributed with more than 102 items in quantities exceeding 1,000. The community, City, and local businesses have responded but some crucial items are still needed to be turned in at Dream Park by noon today. Your donated tools will be secured and returned on Mon., Oct. 25, 2010.
The following are urgently needed:
Larger items or quantities
1 Pickup truck
1 Table saw 10-inch or 12-inch – must have all safety guards
2 Slide compound miter saws (cross between a radial arm saw and a power miter box)
2 Power miter boxes (10 inches)
1 Bobcat (small bucket loader)
65 Drills 3/8 inch (variable speed and reversible) tape keys to cords
2 Drills ½ inch – extra heavy-duty and reversible
1 Drill press
10 Electrical splitters
58 pairs work gloves or bring your own
5 Grinders, side 4 1/2-or 5 inch (use with metal cutting blades and flap discs
4 Lights: high wattage emergency lights for use from 5-9pm daily
2 Port-a-johns
39 rakes – metal not plastic
500 ft of rope ½ inch preferred
8 Routers – need to fit 3/8-inch corner-round bit
3 Belt Sanders
1 Band Saw
15 Circular Saws (hand-held, heavy-duty, 7-to 7 ¼ inch preferred)
2 Worm-Drive Circular Saws
20 Pair Saw Horses
2 Sawzalls – heavy duty with reciprocating blades – not jigsaw
34 Shovels
20 Speed Squares: 6 inch
3 OSHA rated 6 or 8 ft stepladder
4 OSHA rated 10 or 12 ft stepladder
25 Tape measures (25 foot or longer)
1 Laser or Builder’s Level band Tripod
29 Wheelbarrows
Smaller items or quantities
1 Bars, steel digging: 6 feet or longer
6 C-Clamps, large (with openings larger than 4 inches or more)
2 C-Clamps, pipe or bar: 4-to 8-foot long
2 Cat’s paws: small 8-to10-inch bars with curved end to pull nails
1 Tow Chain – 20 ft with steel hooks on both ends
2 Chalk lines
1 Chisel sets: ¼-inch to 1 ½-inch
2 Crowbars: Steel pry bars
2 Wonder bars
1 Pickaxe
1 Sledge Hammer – 8-12lb
1 Megaphone
5 nail punches
1 Pipe Cutter
5 Post-hole diggers
20 lbs rags
8 Rasps, wood – all sizes flat and round
2 Hand Saws for woodcutting
10 screwdrivers – various sizes Phillips and regular
2 Bevel Squares (metal blade attached with wing nut to wood or metal handle)
1 Framing Squares – 2ft L shaped
4 Trash Cans – 30 gallon
6 Utility knives
3 Vise Grips
4 Adjustable Crescent Wrenches
2 sets Open End Wrenches (various sizes)
1 Allen Wrench set or Hex Keys
1 Ratchet Wrench set – complete set of deep wall sockets especially 9/16, ½, and 3/8 extensions
For more information call Kristy White at 334-881-2246 and leave message.
By Michele Gerlach
Andalusia Star News
Tickets for Andalusia’s Homecoming Gala, slated for Sat., Nov. 13, are now available.
Committee chair person Benny Jo Sasser said the “first class event” will feature “fabulous decorations,” a motivational speaker and local entertainment.
Mary-Ann Rabren Johnson, owner of Mary-Ann’s in Andalusia, is decorating the Kiwanis Center.
The event begins with a reception at 6 p.m. Local civic groups are invited to have displays about their organizations set up for review.
The seated dinner, catered by C.J.’s Grille, begins at 7 p.m.
Andalusia natives Alexa Jones and Charlie Thompson are both part of the program.
Jones, a former Miss Alabama and the second runner up to Miss America in 2006, will serve as emcee. Now a Birmingham resident, she is the anchor of CBS 42’s morning show, Wake Up Alabama, and also serves as the health reporter for CBS 42 News.
Thompson flew helicopter gunships in Vietnam and later the CH-54, Skycrane, for several years as a member of the Alabama National Guard. He has a bachelor of aviation management from Auburn University and has held positions ranging from ramp agent suitcase slinger to director of flight operations to CEO of his own aircraft charter broker company. He now works as a motivational speaker.
Dress is “Sunday to sequins.”
Tickets, which are $30 each, are available at city hall and from the chamber, as well as from the following representatives of civic organizations:
• Jennifer Parker of Coterie Club;
• Billy Joe Stallworth of Lions Club;
• Tom Albritton of Rotary;
• Harry Hinson of Kiwanis;
• William Blocker of Civitan;
• Ashley Eiland of Junior Woman’s Club;
• Dawn Smith of Junior League;
• Jeanie Metzger of Cynosure;
• Jewel Curry of Inter se;
• Ethel Robinson of Oleander Club;
• Ann McGowan of Pilot Club;
• Tera Jones of Luncheon Pilot Club.
By Staff Reports
Andalusia Star News
Payton Brown was all smiles at Dream Park. The park will close today for renovations and will reopen Tues., Oct. 26. Tool check in for the project will be 8 a.m. until noon today, and 1 p.m., Sun., Oct. 17. Tools will be labeled and stored under lock and key, to be returned after project completion.